Time market "time bank" to buy and sell "expert value × skimmer time", Metapse launches this fall

"VALU" launched at the end of May continues to attract attention as a service that realizes transactions with bit coins, assuming the value of users themselves as stocks. Especially when I heard the word "sharing economy", the story about how to convert my trust and value to money is being discussed everywhere. Metapops launched on the Mothers market launched in the meantime is to create a "time market" that trades the value of users themselves and the time they use for 10 seconds. The company announced on July 18 that it will offer a time exchange "Timebank". The launch of the service is scheduled for early autumn, but it is accepting applications for time issuers (experts).


床次 佳浩 / Yoshihiro Tokonami Official Web Site

左手だけのピアニスト。堀江貴文イノベーション大学校ベーシックインカム導入実験生。大阪芸術大学演奏学科卒業。 2003年から脳の病気で右半身マヒに。「片手だけでもピアノは弾ける」ことを知り、左手だけでピアノ演奏再開!いま現在では、全国各地で音楽を奏でています♪ horiemon.comにて1ヶ月ごとのBI生活レポート掲載中。


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