Men who stand up in succession Kyoto's small theater "Place for young people to send".

There are many young theater companies such as university students in the city of student · Kyoto, but now it is said that the small theaters which will be the place of their success are closed one after another. In August 2017, the theater which is said to be "a gateway for young theater company members" celebrated its 33-year history. Does this theater culture in Kyoto will be obsolete? A man stood up to protect the place of young people's dissemination.


床次 佳浩 / Yoshihiro Tokonami Official Web Site

左手だけのピアニスト。堀江貴文イノベーション大学校ベーシックインカム導入実験生。大阪芸術大学演奏学科卒業。 2003年から脳の病気で右半身マヒに。「片手だけでもピアノは弾ける」ことを知り、左手だけでピアノ演奏再開!いま現在では、全国各地で音楽を奏でています♪ horiemon.comにて1ヶ月ごとのBI生活レポート掲載中。


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